

We want your online shopping experience to be simple and enjoyable. If you have any questions regarding shopping policies or procedures, please feel free to contact us


We always try to offer our customers wallet friendly prices on ARZOPA products. reserves the right to change prices for products displayed on at any time and particularly to correct pricing mistakes that appear on our website.

Coupon codes

ARZOPA will offer various coupon codes, please pay attention to the expired date.
* New customer discount cannot be used for products that are in store discount activities.

Proof of Purchase

ARZOPA will send you an order confirmation via email, if you have included an email address.

Accepted Methods of Payment

  • Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express)
  • Online Store Gift Cards/ Coupons
  • Paypal

Credit Card Charges

Your credit card will be charged ($ USD) when you place your order. If we are not able to fulfill your order for any reason your credit card will be refunded.

Sales Tax

In accordance with state and government law, ARZOPA must apply appropriate sales tax based on the shipping address provided and the current tax rate at the time of purchase*. If sales tax changes before products are shipped, the tax rate at the time order is invoiced will apply.


Company Address:Room 39H-A9, Caifu Building, No. 88, Fuhua 3rd Road, Gangxia Community, Futian Street, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China